The Five 5's: Five Minutes a Day Daily Strategies

Discover Your Worth...You Are Amazing


Make Time For You

Take five minutes a day to go inward for self-reflection. You are a busy woman with many responsibilities.  Put yourself first and watch how your life will unfold before your eyes.

Affrim Who You Are

You are brilliant, creative, amazing and talented.  As you go inside of yourself you will discover that and so much more. Affirm your hopes and dreams while speaking into your present and your future.

Viisuliaze Your Future

What do you see yourself in your future? Can you feel it now, see it now and live each day for the life you want for you and your family. If you can see it you can have it.

"As a business strategist, I believe there is only one thing more important then having a plan...and it's working on that plan daily. Melesha's Five 5's is that daily strategy that allows you to track where you are now and help you get to where you want to go. So that you can start living your best life today, while accomplishing those big goals tomorrow. "

LaFaye Pye-Testimonial
Business Strategies and Accountability Coach

50% Complete

Two Step

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